The project aims to assist internally displaced persons and local institutions in Lviv, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Zakarpattia regions.
- Period: Apr 2023 - Dec 2024
- Donor: Aktion Deutschland Hilft
- Budget: 2,440,680.00 €
- Region: Western region of Ukraine
- Target group:
The assistance will include cash assistance for rent, multi-purpose cash assistance, psychosocial assistance, and business counseling or grants for micro businesses. The team is involved in fieldwork, visiting communities, and working directly with beneficiaries.

During the project, we organized:
- 204 households received cash for rent assistance. More applications are in work. Another 1000 applicants will receive assistance in winter.
- 98 households in Uman after the missile strike their house had received multipurpose cash assistance.
- 69 individual consultations and 6 group sessions were done by a psychologist in Uzhhorod.
- The Uzhorod team works closely with beneficiaries on field visits to better understand their needs and build trusting relationships with the communities of Western Ukraine.
The team plans a cash assistance program for another 1,000 internally displaced people and grants for micro businesses. To facilitate communication, the Help team has opened an office in Uzhhorod, where beneficiaries can come and receive counseling and psychological assistance.