Meeting with the head of Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration

On Tuesday, March 14, representatives of Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe headed by Country Director in Ukraine Darya Romanenko met with the head of Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration Serhiy Borzov and his deputies.

The two sides discussed urgent needs in the humanitarian sector in the region and signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation on charitable aid to overcome the consequences of attacks on Ukraine’s energy system.

It was agreed to purchase and transfer materials and equipment to be used for the reconstruction of heat supply sources in Ladyzhyn city territorial community. It is worth noting that Ladyzhyn is one of the largest cities of regional significance with a population of over 25.0 thousand people.

The assistance is provided as part of the project “Emergency relief and protection services to the conflict-affected population in Ukraine” with the financial support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Aktion Deutschland Hilft and NAK-karitativ 🤝